A drawing by Napoleon Orda
As the saying goes, the town was founded by a descendant of the Prince of Kiev at the place of a fishing settlement on an island formed by the river Kobrynka where it inflows into the Mukhavets river. The firs record is dated by 1287.
The monument to Prince Vladimir Vasi’lkovich and Princess Olga Romanovna
For the first time the town of Kobryn (Kobryn’) was recorded in the letter missive of Volhynia Prince Vladimir Vasil’kovich in 1287, in which he bequeathed the town to his wife Olga Romanovna.
Present Coat of Arms
In 1589, the town obtained the Magdeburg Rights and the coat of arms — figures of the Virgin Mary and the Saint Anna on a silver background.
The monument in honor of the victory of Russian soldiers in the Patriotic War against Napoleon in 1812-14
A large number of events and heroes of military history of the country is associated with Kobryn.
Authors of the photo: Belozer I.A., Kindin Y.Y
The costume a matchmaker from the Lelikovo village
A national costume is the most valuable and distinctive component of artistic heritage. The costume of a matchmaker, which was widely used in Lelikovo and Povit’e villages of Kobryn district is distinguished by enhanced ornamentality (was included into the State list of intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Belarus in 2018).
Authors of the photo: Belozer I.A., Kindin Y.Y
Don’t miss it!
‘Devaytis’ oak
In Kobryn and Kobryn district it is worth to have a look at St. Nicholas’s (18th c.) and Ss. Peter and Paul’s Churches (turn of the 20 th c.), made of wood; St. George Church, built in 1889; Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (mid-to-late of the 19 th c.), made of stone; extant structures of the former Saviour Monastery; a shopping arcade of the 19 th century; buildings of the former synagogue (second half o the 19 th c.) and terraced houses of the end of 18 th – beginning of the 20 th centuries; a park of the middle of the 18 th century. In the Grushevo village have remained fragments of the mansion belonged to the Rodziewicz family (19 th c.): the reconstructed mansion house, outhouse, fragments of a park, the grave of parents of Maria Rodziewicz, the grave of participants of the 1863-64 uprising; ‘Devaytis’ oak, which is more than 500 years old; the memorial to a polish writer – Maria Rodziewicz, mounted in 1994. In the Bukhovichi village – the Intercession Church built in 1672, a steam mill built in the first half of the 20 th century. In the Gorodets village – the Ascension Church built in the 1735; the Polish Roman Catholic church built in the middle of the 19 century, a household outbuilding of the Orda family mansion (end of the 19 th – beginning of the 20 th centuries). In the Divin village – the St. Parasceva ‘Friday’ Church, made of wood, built in 1740. In the Eremichi village – the St. Archangels Michael Church built in 1784-1787. In the Lelikovo village – St. Dmitry Church, made of wood, built in the 18 th century.
Source. Tourist potential of Belarus/Electronic
educational and methodical complex for the specialty: 1-23 01 12 ‘Museum business and protection of historical and cultural heritage (according to directions)’
Author: Mikhaylets M.A., Candidate of History,
Associate Professor in the subdepartment of ethnology, museology, and history of arts in the Belarusian State University.
Suvorov Museum
There is a mansion house belonged to A.V. Suvorov at the central street of Kobryn. During the period of the Great Patriotic War the mansion was completely destroyed. The modern building was reconstructed with
the complete compliance with the original – furniture, household decoration, personal belongings.
War and historical museum named after A.V. Suvorov is the place where history of the town became unfolded from the moment of its foundation. Nowadays, in this building take place exhibitions of painters and craftsmen as well.
Museum website https://www.museum.mykobrin.by/
Joint Limited Liability Company ‘Manufacturing
Enterprise ‘Polesye’ is a leading manufacturer of plastic toys for kids.
‘Kobryn butter and cheese plan’, OJSC – the ‘Kobryn cheeses’ brand.
‘Kobryn textile’, OJSC.
‘Lodiss’, LLC – the manufacturer of confectionery.
‘Clothing factory Lona’, OJSC – the manufacturer of outerwear.
‘Kobryn spin-weaving fabric ‘Ruchaika’, OJSC.
Simonoff – the brand of the enterprise manufacturing tracksuits, jackets, trenchcoats.
Private Industrial and Trade Unitary Enterprise ‘Kobryn Forge Shop’ is engaged in production of custom-designed metal articles.
Sergey Kostyuk – a painter whose works are in private
collection in Belaurs and several foreign countries: Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Ukraine, and Russia.
Sergey Kostyuk is engaged in easel painting, graphic arts, collage, as well as in creation of art objects. Starting from 1995 he is a participant of art exhibitions of various levels. His one-man exhibitions took place in Minsk, Kobryn, and Brest.
Tatyana Potvorova,a painter-restorer in the Brest region local history museum, a member of the Belarusian Union of Painters.
Valentina Shokhalevich, an art historian, painter.
Igor Sidoruk – a literary man who creates work in Belarusian language. He is an author of poetical collections ‘Black-white’, ‘Arganat’s Sonata’, ‘Reticence” and prose works “Square crow’, as well as more than two dozen of plays, which were put on a play by puppet and drama theatres in Belarus, Czechia, Cuba. His literary works were translated and published in Germany, Austria, Poland, Ukraine, and Czechia.
Natalia Satsuta, a member of ‘White Stork’, the national literary association in Kobryn. In the moneybox of her poetic creative work are lyric poetry, humor, poetry for kids, and poetry about nature. Some verses have already been turned into the words of songs.
‘Savi’ Duet (Alexander and Victoria),saxophone and violin. Alexander graduated from the Brest musical college. Currently, he is the head of the wind instruments department in the art school. He performs in a wind band of the Palace of Culture. Victoria’s acquaintance with a violin took its rise in 2002. She graduated from the musical college in Grodno and from Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts where she was studying in the variety department as a violinist. In a composition of the ‘Amber’ musical ensemble Alexander and Victoria performed on concert stages in our country, as well as in Poland, France, Spain, and Germany.
Молодежный бренд
Настольная дидактическая игра «Хатнiк»
Авторы проекта: Синяк Алёна Леонидовна (мастер производственного обучения УО «Кобринский ГПК»), Дорошук Яна Валерьевна (инженер-программист УО «Кобринский ГПК»), Гулюта Юлия Евгеньевна (учащаяся 1 курса УО «Кобринский ГПК»).
- Создание обстановки естественного речевого общения, снятие напряжения, побуждение игроков к активному участию в игре, стимулирование к изучению материала.
Атрибуты настольной игры выполнены из натуральных материалов: древесина, бумага, льняная ткань.В игровой комплект входит:- футляр для игры, деревянный сундук (который расписан в стиле Аговского куфра — это зеленый цвет с цветочными мотивами);
- игровое поле, на котором в технике фотоколлаж расположены достопримечательности нашей страны;
- 6 деревянных фишек;
- кубик;
- инструкция;
- памятка с правильными ответами;
- карточка «Хатник», с QR-кодом (известные белорусы).
Проект «Многофункциональное устройство для эффективного энергосбережения»
Автор проекта: Колосун Николай, учащийся ГУО «Детский сад – средняя школа № 4 г. Кобрина».
- Стимулирование решения энергетических проблем, обеспечение ресурсосбережения.
Автором было разработано программируемое устройство, основу которого составляют платформа Arduino, датчик на фоторезисторе, пироэлектрический инфракрасный датчик движения, позволяющие автоматически регулировать освещение в помещении. При этом себестоимость устройства ниже стоимости устройств, которые уже существуют на рынке. Данное устройство могут собрать учащиеся 14-15 лет.
Для того чтобы устройство можно было использовать в быту, на 3D принтере был распечатан корпус.
Интернет-платформа «Planet Guide». Проект «Познай Кобрин»
Автор проекта: учащийся 10 класса ГУО «Средняя школа №6 г. Кобрина» Филиппов Юрий Игоревич, учителя математики Логвинович Виктор Яковлевич, Логвинович Яков Яковлевич, совместно с отделом культуры Кобринского райисполкома.
- Сохранение культурно-исторического наследия, патриотическое воспитание подрастающего поколения, развитие внутреннего, въездного и виртуального туризма, привлечение инвестиций.
«Познай Кобрин» – проект, сочетающий в себе возможности туристического аудиогида и путеводителя по городу Кобрину и Кобринскому району (реализована возможность виртуального и инклюзивного туризма). Здесь представлены все основные объекты историко-культурного и нематериального наследия Кобринщины, широко используется уникальная архивная информация из фондов Кобринского военно-исторического музея имени А.В. Суворова, не представленная до этого на всеобщее обозрение.
С помощью мобильного телефона и проекта «Познай Кобрин» можно с аудиогидом без экскурсовода пройтись по памятным местам города и района. Интерактивная карта, QR-коды и аудиогид помогут лучше изучить и познать Кобрин.
В основе проекта лежит собственная разработка платформы «Planet Guide«.
ГЕОГРАФИЯ ПРОЕКТА — г. Кобрин и Кобринский район.